Featuring the biggest and smallest species!!
The smallest day gecko out there is Phelsuma Klemmeri, also known as the neon day gecko or yellow headed day gecko. Growing from an inch to only 4 inches in length, this tiny species is on the flatter side, very pressed against the earth. Their bodies are a rich turquoise blue leading up to the bright coloring on their heads. The colors fade out towards their hands and tails into a light blue. A brilliant dark blue, near black stripe lines their sides, starting at their eyes and going to around mid tail. Their bellies are grayish white.
On adult neon day geckos, stored calcium sacks can be seen on their necks, specifically females. Neon Day Geckos have no eyelids so as to keep their eyes moist and clear they lick them clean. Day geckos can 100% walk slowly, but if startled, can bolt without warning..
Neon day geckos are fairly more social then their other day gecko counterparts. It's very rare to see just one Klemmeri in a tank. While its always necessary to seperate quarreling males, females can thrive easily and won't become stressed out. Breeding behavior includes, the shaking of the tail or body, vocalizing, and if the female does not accept the male she may turn a darker greenin color. However, when a female does accept a male’s responses, they will breed, and she will become gravid. The term gravid simply means she is with egg. Or rather two eggs. Their breeding season is throughout the year and the species has a gestation period of about approximately 39–52 days.
Wanted for their beautiful coloring, phelsuma klemmeri are considered exotic pets, aren’t recommended for beginners, and are rather expensive. Due to their flighty nature, many owners have had them escape on numerous occasions. Luckily for these owners, day geckos are naturally curious and brave little creatures so they're easy to find, but hard to catch. Inquisitive and skittish, these guys should be kept in at least a 12x12x18 enclosure. Bioactive enclosures are recommended and should contain live plants and bamboo/branches for places to bask and hide. The temperature should range from 72-78 F throughout the tank and up to 85 F in their basking spots. The humidity should always be between 60-70% and this can be achieved with high ventilation, daily misting or a microclimate. This should be monitored with a hydrometer. These tanks should also have UVB bulbs to prevent metabolic bone disease.
Neon Day Geckos are omnivores. They love nectar, soft fruits, and insects and eat plenty in the wild. In captivity, there are feeder insects and gecko diet mix specifically made for different geckos. Feeder insects consist of 1/4 - crickets and should be dusted with calcium. A good rule of thumb for size is to only offer insects whose length does not exceed the space in between the gecko’s eyes. Owners can put them or the food mix in mounted food dishes so the geckos can access them better.